Awards, Research & Publications

My Academic Background
Global Health Asia-Pacific Awards – ENT Medical Centre of the Year in Asia Pacific, 2020.
Global Health Tourism Awards – ENT Service Provider of the Year in Asia-Pacific 2019.
Silver Service Ambassador Award for excellent patient care, feedback and service provision. Ng Teng Fong
General Hospital, Jurong Health, 2017.
Healthcare and Manpower Development Program (HMDP) award by Ng Teng Fong General Hospital,
Singapore for Fellowship to Belgium in Laryngology under Professor Marc Remacle, 2014-5.
First Prize – Fundamentals of ENT Course – The Royal College of Surgeons of England, 2011.
First Prize - Research Study on oesophageal motility and pH studies done on live subjects. Department of
Physiology, Trinity College Dublin, Poster Presentation, 1994.
Book Prize for Scholastic Merit, Anglo-Chinese School Singapore, 1988.
Ministry of Education Singapore, Scholarship winner, 1989-90. Awarded for scholastic merit, sporting and leadership achievement in school and junior college.
International Youth Science Fortnight Scholarship (International Science School Sydney) - University of Sydney awarded by Ministry of Education, Singapore 1989.
Science Research Programme (Gifted Education Programme, Ministry of Education, Singapore). Project on: ‘The effect of calcitonin on the metabolism of rat hepatocytes’. 1989.
Research/ Publications
Masters of Surgical Science:
Gut Hormone profiles following bariatric surgery in a rodent model with Dr. Carl LeRoux and Professor Sir
Steven Bloom and Professor Ma Ghattei, Department of Metabolic Medicine, Imperial College School of Medicine, 2004/6.
Science Research Programme:
The effect of calcitonin on the metabolism of rat hepatocytes with Associate Professor Lee Kay Hoon, Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, National University of Singapore. Ministry of Education, Singapore Gifted Education Programme, 1989.
Other Projects:
Melioidosis in the Head and Neck from a Singaporean Centre with Dr. Noushin Mehran and Dr. Rebecca Heywood – Ng Teng Fong General Hospital, Singapore. I am the lead clinician in this project which aims to study the epidemiology of this soil borne disease in the West of Singapore.
Laryngeal ossification and ingested Foreign Bodies with Dr. Nirmal Muthukumarasamy and Dr. Rebecca Heywood, Ng Teng Fong General Hospital, Singapore. We have studied over 140 plain lateral neck radiographs to assess the impact of laryngeal ossification on diagnostics for ingested foreign bodies prior to removal.
Laryngeal suppuration and forest fires – A Singaporean Centre’s experiences with Dr. Euan Murugasu and Dr. Rebecca Heywood, Ng Teng Fong General Hospital, Singapore. We are studying the effects of environmental haze from forest fires in the surrounding region and its impact on the rising incidence of suppurative laryngeal
Narrow-Band Imaging in assessing Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnoea with Mr. B. Kotecha, Royal National Throat Nose and Ear Hospital, 2010-2011.
Altered facial sensation and flushing after midfacial advancement for maxillary hypoplasia in a craniofacial unit with Miss M. Wyatt, Great Ormond Street Hospital, 2010.
A 7-year review of T1/T2 SCC larynx treated using CO2 laser by a single surgeon with Mr.K. Ghufoor and Mr. J. Joseph, St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, 2009.
A single centre retrospective review of unilateral and bilateral Dysport® injections in Adductor Spasmodic Dysphonia with Mr B. Elmiyeh, Mr T. Upile, Dr. B. Youl, Dr. R. Epstein and Mr. J. Rubin, St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, The Royal National Throat Nose and Ear Hospital and the Royal Free Hospital 2005-9.
A twin centre study of nasal tip anaesthesia following open rhinoplasty with Ms. M.C. Jaberoo, Mr. N. Mehta, Ms. R.L. Heywood, Mr. N. de Zoysa and Mr. J. Marais and Mr. H. Saleh, Northwick Park Hospital and Charing Cross Hospital, 2007-9.
A single blind prospective randomized cross over study on the effectiveness of three nasal irrigation systems with Mr. B. Elmiyeh, Ms. R.L. Heywood and Mr. P. Chatrath, Royal Free Hospital, 2007-9.
A 5-year prospective study of VEGF A and VEGF D as prognostic indicators of loco-regional spread of Head and Neck SCC with Mr. T. Upile at The Royal Marsden Hospital and the vascular laboratories of University College London, 2005-9.
Voice laboratory studies and analysis of formant frequencies in patients with laryngeal and oropharyngeal tumours with Mr. R. Kazi, Mr. P.H. Rhys-Evans and Mr. P.M. Clarke, Royal Marsden Hospital, 2006-7.
The management of recurrent neck metastases by resection, flap cover and iridium192 afterloaded brachytherapy with Mr. P.H. Rhys-Evans, Dr C.M. Nutting and Dr K.J. Harrington, Royal Marsden Hospital, 2006.
13th October 2022
Role of IMRT in parotid / skull base cancer to reduce hearing loss with Dr C.M. Nutting and Dr S. Bhide, Royal Marsden Hospital, 2006.
I am involved in regular audit meetings at Ng Teng Fong General Hospital, Singapore. As a consultant in the department, I have been also elected by my senior colleagues to be part of the hospital risk management committee
Tissue Audit Committee Member, Ng Teng Fong General Hospital. I support the Head of Pathology in the audit of cytological and histological correlation for fine needle aspirations performed in the head and neck.
At St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, I was involved in an audit of wound infection from mixing urological patients with head and neck patients on the same ward. This audit highlighted the increase in nosocomial infections associated most commonly with abdominal wound infections. We found an unacceptably high level of coliforms
in head and neck wound infections, instigated change necessary by separating head and neck and neurosurgical patients away from those who had abdominal and urological surgery and re-auditing our wound infection rates. The change instigated did indeed show a significant drop in infection rates. I was also personally involved in auditing the quality and completeness of consent forms in surgery at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital. This audit demonstrated several shortcomings in consent form filing and accuracy of
information provided. A lecture discussion to our entire department followed by a repeat audit assessing the
impact of change did show significant improvement in quality of consent forms completed.
Advances in Neurolaryngology. Editors: Prasad VMN, Remacle M. Karger SA Publishers, Basle, Switzerland,
November 2020.
1. United Kingdom Healthcare System. Essential Healthcare Economics and Its Environment. VMN Prasad, R. Heywood. KJ Lee Ed. 2022.
2. Type III Thyroplasty – Textbook of Laryngology. Prasad VMN, Remacle M. Rapaport S, Courey M. Eds.
3. The Carbon Dioxide Laser in Laryngology. Surgery of Larynx and Trachea. Prasad VMN, Remacle M, Springer 2nd Ed. 2020.
4. Voice Feminization. Surgery of Larynx and Trachea. Remacle M, Thomas J, Prasad VMN, Fakhoury, R. Springer 2nd Ed. 2020.
5. Voice Feminization and Masculinization. Laryngology. Prasad VMN, Remacle M. Springer-Verlag 1st Ed.
6. Laryngeal Leukoplakia. Laryngology. Altman K, Akst L, Broadhurst M, Prasad VMN. Springer-Verlag 2020. 1st Edition
7. Vocal Fold Immobility - Neurological - Management Medialization Thyroplasty and Arytenoid Adduction. Advances in Neurolaryngology. Prasad VMN. Remacle M. Karger 2020.
8. Future advances in Neurolaryngology. Advance in Neurolaryngology. Prasad VMN., Remacle M. Karger 2020.
9. Lasers in Early Glottic Cancer. Textbook of Laryngology. Prasad VMN, Remacle M. Chapter 17. Eds. N.K. Nerurkar, R. Amitabachoudhury. Jaypee. 1st Edition. Feb 2017.
10. Mutational Falsetto. A Practical Guide to Laryngeal Framework Surgery. Prasad VMN, Remacle M. Eds. S. Mohan, O. Judd, K, Young. Compton Publishing 2017.
11. Type I Medialization Thyroplasty. A Practical Guide to Laryngeal Framework Surgery. Prasad VMN,Remacle M. Eds. S. Mohan, O. Judd, K, Young. Compton Publishing 2017.
12. Surgery for Bilateral Vocal Fold Immobility. In Neurolaryngology. Prasad VMN, Almohizea MI, Remacle M. Eds. C. Sittel, O. Guntinas-Lichius. Springer 2017.
13. What clinical / paraclinical tests should be done prior to sialendoscopy. Sialendoscopy – The Hands-On Book. Prasad V, Almohizea M, Remacle M. Chapter 25. Ed. F. Marchal. ISTC 2015.
14. Lump in the Neck, Thyroglossal cysts and Foreign bodies in the ear, nose and throat. Pocket Tutor – Otolaryngology. Prasad V. Eds. Bhattacharya A, Patel N. JP Medical Ltd. 1st Edition. 2011.
15. Life after Residency: What’s Next? Prasad V, Chatrath P. Plural Publishing Inc. Ed. K.J. Lee. 1st Edition. Book Chapter Contributor. 2008.
Peer Reviewed Abstracts and Publications
1. The Nasal Floor Swell Body – An Anatomical and Physiological Entity? Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 167(1S). Oct 2022. Prasad VMN, Heywood RL.
2. Flexible Robotics: Five Year Review. Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 165(1S)234. Oct 2021. Prasad VMN, Lawson G, Remacle M.
3. Novel use of a sealing device for excising intra-nasal lesions. Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 165(1S)337. Oct 2021. Prasad VMN, Lee, TS, Heywood RL.
4. An Atypical Case of Atypical Mycobacteria: Lessons Learned. Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 165(1S) P175. Oct 2021. Prasad VMN, Heywood RL.
5. Vocal Fold Leukoplakia: Cases, Controversy, and Management. Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 165(1S) P35. Oct 2021. Akst L, Altman K, Broadhurst M, Prasad VMN.
6. Wendler Glottoplasty for Voice Feminization Surgery: Long-Term Results of 31 Consecutive Cases.Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 163(1S) P88. Sept 2020. Prasad VMN, Fakhoury R,
Asimakopoulos A, Remacle M.
7. Persistent Post-Auricular Pain – A Unique First presentation of Metastatic Lung Adenocarcinoma in the Otolaryngology Clinic. Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 163(1S) P195. Sept 2020. Prasad VMN, Yuan J.
8. Holmium -YAG Extirpation of False Ear Fundus Secondary to Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media - A Novel Tool to Spare Canal Skin. Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 163(1S) P233. Sept 2020. Prasad VMN, Heywood RL.
9. Intra-Thyroidal Large Isthmic Parathyroid Adenoma - An Unusual Site. Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 163(1S) P167. Sept 2020. Heywood RL, Prasad VMN.
10. Vocal Fold Leukoplakia: Cases, Controversy, and Management. Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery
161(2S) P25. Sept 2019. Akst L, Altman K, Broadhurst M, Prasad VMN.
11. Metastatic Cervical Cancer in The Neck: A Rare Cause of Neck Pain. Otolaryngology Head and NeckSurgery 161(2S) P206-7. Sept 2019. Prasad VMN.
12. Subtotal Arytenoidectomy for Bilateral Vocal Fold Immobility. Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery
161(2S) P228. Sept 2019. Prasad VMN, Jing Yuan.
13. Robotic Laryngeal Surgery: To the Pharynx and Beyond. Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 161(2S)
P24. Sept 2019. Akst L, Richmon J, Ekbom D, Prasad VMN.
14. Vocal Fold Leukoplakia: Cases, Controversy, and Management. Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery
161(2S) P25. Sept 2019. Akst L, Altman K, Broadhurst M, Prasad VMN.
15. Robotic Laryngeal Surgery: To the Pharynx and Beyond (Miniseminar). Otolaryngology Head and Neck
Surgery 159(1S) P34. Oct 2018. Akst L, Richmon J, Ekbom D, Prasad VMN.
16. Vocal Fold Leukoplakia: Cases, Controversy, and Management. Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery.
159 (1S) P36. Oct 2018. Akst L, Altman K, Broadhurst M, Prasad VMN.
17. Use of the Laryngeal Anterior Commissure Stent (LACS) for Treatment of Anterior Glottic Webs: Single
Tertiary Centre’s Experiences. Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery. 159(1S) P116. Oct 2018. Prasad
VMN, Fakhoury R, Helou D, Almohizea M, Lawson G, Remacle M.
13th October 2022
18. Pulsatile Oropharyngeal Mass: Case Report and Review of the Literature. Otolaryngology Head and Neck
Surgery. 159(1S) P203-4. Oct 2018. Heywood R, Khoo V, Prasad VMN.
19. Single Centre Review of Voice in Adults with Benign Laryngeal Lesions Using the CO2 Laser.
Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, 159 (1S) P25. Oct 2018. Tan L, Manoharan D, Tsang S, Prasad
20. A single tertiary centre’s 18-month experience of subtotal arytenoidectomy for bilateral vocal fold
immobility. Singapore Medical Journal 58(1)S19. Dec 2017. Thirunavukarasu V, Muthukumarasamy N,
Heywood RL, Prasad VMN.
21. Laryngeal ossification and ingested foreign bodies. Singapore Medical Journal 58(1)S18. Dec 2017. N
Muthukumarasamy N, Heywood RL, Prasad VMN.
22. Vocal fold leukoplakia: Cases, Controversy and Management. Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery
157(S1):26-27 · Oct 2017. Akst L, Altman K, Broadhurst M, Prasad VMN.
23. Forest fires and suppurative airway obstruction. Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 157(S1): -27 · Oct
2017. Prasad VMN, Heywood RL, Murugasu E.
24. Laryngeal ossification and ingested foreign bodies. Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 157(S1):26-
27 · Oct 2017.Muthukumarasamy N, Heywood RL, Prasad VMN.
25. Development of a novel computerized acoustic assessment. Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery
157(S1):99-100· Oct 2017. Prasad VMN, Drugman T, Rijckaert M, Janssens C, Lawson G, Remacle M.
26. Lasers in benign laryngeal conditions. Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 157(S1):229· Oct 2017.
Prasad VMN, Remacle M, Franco R.
27. Head and neck melioidosis – a Singaporean centre’s experience. Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery
157(S1):26-27 · Oct 2017. Mehran N, Heywood RL, Prasad VMN.
28. Five-year’ experience of unilateral vocal fold immobility. Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery
155(1S):91 · Oct 2016. Prasad V, Fakhoury R, Helou D, Lawson G, Remacle M.
29. Subglottic pressure level as an objective measure during thyroplasty. Otolaryngology Head and Neck
Surgery 155(1S):97 Aug 2016. Almohizea M, Prasad VMN, Fakhoury R, Bihin B, Remacle M.
30. Hearing loss and cognitive decline in Singapore: status quo of an island nation. The Journal of Laryngology
& Otology 130(S3): S172-S173 · May 2016. Heywood RL, Vankalayapati P, Jayakody D, Eikelboom R,
Lee G, Liu JY, Prasad VMN, Murugasu E, Atlas M.
31. Lingual nerve ancient schwannoma. The Journal of Laryngology and Otology. Proceedings from the 145th
Semon Club 2014. Baldy JP, Prasad VMN, Dilkes M.
32. A unique otologic anomaly? The Journal of Laryngology and Otology. Proceedings of the 143rd Semon
Club. J. Siddiqui, VMN Prasad, K Seymour. 2013.
33. CO2 laser vapourisation of stage 1 glottic cancer: results of 56 cases. Clinical Otolaryngology and Allied
Sciences 2012; 37:73-117. Prasad VMN, Giddings CBE, Dilkes M.
34. Evaluation of palatal and tongue base hyperaemia and its relationship to snoring and obstructive sleep
apnea using narrow-band imaging. Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Aug 2011; vol. 145, 2 suppl:
pp. P271-P272. Prasad VMN, Heywood RL, Stimpson P, Chisholm E, Kotecha BT.
35. Fishbone foreign body migrating into left lobe of thyroid. Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Aug
2010 vol. 143 no. 2 suppl P165. Sharma R, Sharma V, Prasad VMN, Joseph T.
13th October 2022
36. A single centre retrospective review of unilateral and bilateral Dysport® injections in adductor spasmodic
dysphonia. Clinical Otolaryngology and Allied Sciences 2009; 34:92. Elmiyeh B, Prasad V, Upile T, Youl
B, Epstein R, Rubin J.
37. A twin centre study of nasal tip anaesthesia following open rhinoplasty. Clinical Otolaryngology and Allied
Sciences. (British Academic Conference for Otolaryngology 2009) Prasad V, Jaberoo M-C, Mehta N, De
Zoysa N, Heywood RL, Saleh H, Marais J.
38. Massive cervicothoracic haematoma due to extracapsular rupture of asymptomatic parathyroid adenoma.
The Journal of Laryngology and Otology. Proceedings from the 132nd Semon Club. Vasani S, Trinidade A,
Prasad VMN.
39. Tonsillectomy for psoriasis – Does it help? The Journal of Laryngology and Otology. E23 2006. Prasad
VMN, Mani N, Suruliraj A, Burova K, Hoare TJ.
40. Gut hormone profiles may explain reduced appetite and food intake following bariatric surgery. Obesity
Surgery 2006;16:402. le Roux CW, Aylwin SJB., Batterham R, Borg CM, Coyle F, Prasad V, Shurey S,
Ghatei MA, Patel AG, Bloom SR.
41. Hamman’s syndrome -Surgical emphysema and pneumomediastinum post-partum. Quincentennary
Celebrations of the Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh (Book of Abstracts), 2005. Prasad VMN, Simon
D, Steward J, Frampton MC.
42. Kimura’s Disease - Parotid and submandibular masses associated with cervical lymphadenopathy –
malignant or benign? The Journal of Laryngology and Otology. Proceedings of the Semon Club May 2004,
London. Prasad V, Persaud R, Howard D. Published in 2007.
43. Gut hormone changes may explain appetite and glycaemic control effects of bariatric surgery. Proceedings
of the Nutrition Society. 2004;63(1a)85A. (The British Nutritional Society). le Roux CW, Aylwin SJB,
Shurey S, Prasad V, Coyle F, Darroch P, Ghatei MA, Patel AG, Bloom SR.
44. Outcome following oesophagectomy for cancer in the elderly patient. Irish Journal of Medical Science
1999: 168 Supplement 6:24. Prasad VMN, Kavanagh EG, O’Hanlon DM, Hennessy TPJ, Reynolds JV.
45. Laryngeal Leukoplakia: State of the Art Review. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020 Nov
10:194599820965910. doi: 10.1177/0194599820965910. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33170765. Park JC,
Altman KW, Prasad VMN, Broadhurst M, Akst LM.
46. Preliminary experience in transoral laryngeal surgery with a flexible robotic system for benign lesions of
the vocal folds. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00405-018-4900-0. Remacle
M, Prasad VMN.
47. Pulmonary melioidosis with laryngeal involvement: an unusual site of infection Thorax. 2018 Jan 26. pii:
thoraxjnl-2017-211046. doi: 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2017-211046. [Epub ahead of print]. Ng CL, Liu X, Tan
NJH, Prasad VMN, Lee P.
48. Correction to: Laser-assisted surgery of the upper aero-digestive tract: a clarification of nomenclature. A
consensus statement of the European Laryngological Society. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2018 Jan 6. doi:
10.1007/s00405-017-4851-x: Remacle M, Arens C, Badr Eldin M, Campos G, Chiesa Estomba C,
Dulguerov P, Fiz I, Hantzakos A, Keghian J, Mora F, Matar N, Peretti G, Piazza C, Postma GN, Prasad V,
Sjogren E, Dikkers FG.
49. Laser-assisted surgery of the upper aero-digestive tract: a clarification of nomenclature. A consensus
statement of the European Laryngological Society. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol Aug 17. [Epub ahead of
print] DOI 10.1007/s00405-017-4708-3: Remacle M, Arens C, Badr Eldin M, Campos G, Chiesa Estomba
C, Dulguerov P, Fiz I, Hantzakos A, Keghian J, Mora F, Matar N, Peretti G, Piazza C, Postma GN, Prasad
V, Sjogren E, Dikkers FG.
13th October 2022
50. Unilateral vocal fold immobility: a tertiary hospital’s experience over 5 years. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol
2017 Mar 17. [Epub ahead of print] doi: 10.1007/s00405-017-4528-5. Prasad VMN, Fakhoury R, Helou D,
Lawson G, Remacle M.
51. Using peak direct subglottic pressure level as an objective measure during medialization thyroplasty: a
prospective study. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2016 Sep;273(9):2607-11. Almohizea MI, Prasad VM,
Fakhoury R, Bihin B, Remacle M.
52. Frontal Sinus Fungus Ball Operated on Endoscopically and Endonasally. Ann Otolaryngol Rhinol. 2016
3(9) Online Open Access ISSN: 2379-948X. Eloy PH, Prasad V, Sensou S, Minovnina J, de Dorlodot CL,
Nollevaux MC.
53. Autologous Fat Graft Injection for the Treatment of Velopharyngeal Insufficiency. J Rhinol Otol Jan
2016[Epub ahead of print]. Ouattassi N, Remacle M, Lawson G, Van der Vorst S, Bachy V, Prasad VMN.
54. A twin centre study of nasal tip anesthesia following Rhinoplasty and Septorhinoplasty. Ear Nose Throat J
2016 Feb;95(2): E18-21. Jaberoo MC, Prasad VMN, De Zoysa N, Heywood RL, Mehta N, Marais J, Saleh
55. Transoral robotic surgery for base of tongue neoplasms. B-ENT. 2015; Suppl 24:45-50. Sayin I, Fakhoury
R, Prasad VM, Remacle M, Lawson G.
56. Functional outcomes after transoral robotic surgery for squamous cell carcinoma of the oropharynx. BENT. 2015; Suppl 24:15-9. Van der Vorst S, Prasad V, Remacle M, Bachy V, Lawson G.
57. The da Vinci robotic system in head and neck surgery. B-ENT. 2015; Suppl 24:1-6. Fakhoury R, Prasad
VM, Sayin I, Van der Vorst S, Remacle M, Lawson G.
58. Voice rehabilitation after transoral laser microsurgery of the larynx. Otolaryngol Clin North Am. 2015
Aug;48(4):639-53. Epub 2015 Jun 19. Prasad VM, Remacle M.
59. Transoral robotic surgery (TORS) with the Medrobotics FlexTM System: first surgical application on
humans. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2015 Jun;272(6):1451-5. Remacle M, M N Prasad V, Lawson G,
Plisson L, Bachy V, Van der Vorst S.
60. In reference to First use of a computer-assisted operator-controlled flexible endoscope for transoral surgery.
Laryngoscope. Aug;125(8): E291.Epub 2015 Jan 30. 2015 Jan 30. Prasad VM, Remacle M, Lawson G.
61. A prospective, single-blind, randomised, crossover study comparing three nasal hygiene systems and
corresponding patient preference for such devices. Journal of Laryngology and Otology. Vol 128, Issue 01,
Jan 2014.Elmiyeh B, Heywood RL, Prasad VM, Chatrath P, Bassett P, Quiney R.
62. A single centre retrospective review of unilateral and bilateral Dysport® injections in Adductor Spasmodic
Dysphonia. Logoped Phoniatr Vocol 2010, Apr, 01;35(1):39-44. Elmiyeh B, Prasad V, Upile T, Youl B,
Epstein R, Rubin J.
63. Unilateral versus bilateral thyroarytenoid Botulinum toxin injections in adductor spasmodic dysphonia: a
prospective study. Head Face Med (2009) 24:5:20. Upile T, Elmiyeh B, Jerjes W, Prasad V, Kafas P,
Abiola J, Youl B, Epstein R, Hopper C, Sudhoff H, Rubin J.
64. Radiology Quiz Case- Extracapsular rupture of an asymptomatic parathyroid adenoma. Arch Otolaryngol
Head Neck Surg. 2009 Mar;135(3):316, 318-9. De Zoysa N, Vasani SS, Prasad V, Stearns M.
65. Quality of life outcome measures following partial glossectomy: assessment using the UW-QOL scale. J
Cancer Res Ther 2008 (4) 3:116-120. Kazi R, Johnson C, Prasad V, De Cordova J, Venkitaraman R,
Nutting CM, Clarke PM, Rhys-Evans PH, Harrington KJ.
66. Questionnaire analysis of swallowing-related outcomes following glossectomy. J Otorhinolaryngol Relat
Spec. 2008;70(3):151-5. Kazi R, Prasad V, Venkitaraman R, Nutting CM, Clarke PM, Rhys-Evans PH,
Harrington KJ.
67. Prospective, longitudinal electroglottographic study of voice recovery following accelerated
hypofractionated radiotherapy for T1/T2 larynx cancer. Radiother Oncol. 2008 May;87(2):230-6. Kazi R,
Venkitaraman R, Johnson C, Prasad V, Nutting CM, Clarke PM, Rhys-Evans PH, Harrington KJ.
68. Electroglottographic comparison of voice outcomes in patients with advanced laryngopharyngeal cancer
treated by chemoradiotherapy or total laryngectomy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2008 Feb 1;70(2):344-
52. Kazi R, Prasad V, Venkitaraman R, Nutting CM, Clarke PM, Rhys-Evans PH, Harrington KJ.
69. Analysis of formant frequencies in patients with oral or oropharyngeal cancers treated by glossectomy. Int J
Lang Commun Disord. 2007 Sep-Oct;42(5):521-32. Kazi R, Prasad V, Kanagalingam J, Georgalas C,
Venkitaraman R, Nutting CM, Clarke PM, Rhys-Evans PH, Harrington KJ.
70. Electroglottographic and Perceptual Evaluation of Tracheoesophageal Speech. J Voice. 2009
Mar;23(2):247-54. Epub 2007 May 9. Kazi R, Kanagalingam J, Venkitaraman R, Prasad V, Nutting CM,
Clarke PM, Rhys-Evans PH, Harrington KJ.
71. Marrow proliferation as a cause of hearing loss in thallasemia major. J Laryngol Otol. 2008
Nov;122(11):1253-6. Epub 2007 Oct 12. Thio D, Prasad V, Anslow P, Lennox P.
72. Questionnaire analysis of the swallowing related quality of life following total laryngectomy. Clin
Otolaryngol. 2006 Dec;31(6):525-30. R Kazi R, Prasad V, Venkitaraman R, Nutting CM, Clarke PM, RhysEvans PH, Harrington KJ.
73. Multi-dimensional assessment of female tracheoesophageal prosthetic speech. Clin Otolaryngol. 2006
Dec;31(6):511-7. Kazi R, Kiverniti E, Prasad V, Venkitaraman R, Nutting CM, Clarke PM, Rhys-Evans
PH, Harrington KJ.
74. Assessment of the formant frequencies in normal and laryngectomised individuals using linear predictive
coding. J Voice. 2007 Nov;21(6):661-8. Epub 2006 Sep 28.R. Kazi, V. Prasad, J. Kanagalingam, R.
Venkitaraman, C.M. Nutting, P.M. Clarke, P.H. Rhys-Evans, K.J. Harrington.
75. Gut hormone profiles following obesity surgery favour an anorectic state and may facilitate weight loss.
Annals of Surgery. 2006 Jan;243(1):108-14. le Roux CW, Aylwin SJB, Batterham RL, Borg CM, Coyle F,
Prasad V, Shurey S, Ghatei MA, Patel AG, Bloom SR.
76. Are high-speed digital videoendoscopy systems the future of laryngology? The Internet Journal of
Otorhinolaryngology. 2006. Volume 4 Number 2. Kazi R, Prasad V, Nutting CM, Clarke P, Rhys-Evans P,
Harrington KJ.
77. CHARGE Syndrome, Radiology Quiz Case. Archives Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery 2005.
Elmiyeh B, Whitaker IS, Prasad V, Persaud R, Beale T, Lucas D.
78. A Pin in the Neck. Irish Medical Journal 2001: 94(1) 20. Hone SW, Keogh IJ, Prasad V, Timon CI.
13th October 2022
1. Sound asleep – not quite. The Business Times. Singapore Press Holdings. March 26-27th, 2022.
2. Guidelines on Covid-19 published by the Asia-Pacific Laryngology Association, 10th November 2020, ENT
and Audiology News. Introduced by Prof. Tatsuya Yamasoba.
3. Throat Cancer – not just a smoker’s disease. The Business Times. Singapore Press Holdings. April 18-19th
4. Age-related hearing loss has wider ramifications. The Business Times. Singapore Press Holdings.
September 14th
-15th 2019.
5. Brave new world of lasers and robots during ENT surgery. The Business Times. Singapore Press Holdings.
July 13th
-14th 2019.
6. Childhood hearing loss-preventable and treatable. The Business Times. Singapore Press Holdings. May11-
12th 2019.
7. Head and neck cancers – what to look out for. The Business Times. Singapore Press Holdings. April 6-7
8. Snoring and sleep apnoea and other sleep disorders. The Business Times. Singapore Press Holdings. March
16-17th 2019.
9. Nasal allergy: a review of a common, chronic problem. Business Times. Singapore Press Holdings.
December 29th
-30th 2019.
10. Helping seniors find their voice. The Business Times. Singapore Press Holdings. December 1-2
nd 2019.
1. C-Surgeries. About the Boook: Advances in Neurolaryngology. Speaker and moderator. September 25th
2. Laryngology webinar – Airway Update in association with Lumenis Corporation. Faculty and moderator,
October 18th 2020.
3. Precautions in Videolaryngostroboscopy, Tracheostomy, Microlaryngoscopy and laser during the Covid-19
pandemic, Faculty and Moderator. 1st May 2020, Singapore.
4. Aging gracefully beyond 100 years – Ear, Nose and Throat Considerations. 25th April 2020, Singapore.
5. Infections and Allergies that can affect the Ear, Nose and Throat. 16th April 2020, Singapore.
1. The inferior - most turbinate - a swell body in the nasal floor. (Poster) 6
th Congress of the Confederation of
the European Otolaryngology –Head and Neck Surgery, Milan, Italy, 2022.
2. Nasopalatine duct cyst - case report and review. (Poster) 6
th Congress of the Confederation of the European
Otolaryngology –Head and Neck Surgery, Milan, Italy, 2022.
3. Holmium laser ablation of external canal osteomas. (Poster) 6
th Congress of the Confederation of the
European Otolaryngology –Head and Neck Surgery, Milan, Italy, 2022.
4. The Nasal Floor Swell Body – An Anatomical and Physiological Entity? (Poster). American Academy of
Otolaryngology Annual ENT Expo, Philadelphia, USA, 2022.
5. Vocal Fold Leukoplakia: Cases, Controversy, and Management (Miniseminar). American Academy of
Otolaryngology Annual ENT Expo, Philadelphia, USA, 2022.
6. Muscle Tension Dysphonia – To operate or not to operate? Laryngology – Back to Basics. Laryngology
Webinar Series. APLA and LVA. Pune, India, 18th June 2022.
7. Feminizing Voice Surgery (presentation). India Chapter of the International Voice Foundation Guntur,
India. 15th Phonosurgery Course, Guntur, India November 7th 2021.
8. Flexible Robotics: Five Year Review (Poster). American Academy of Otolaryngology Annual ENT Expo,
Los Angeles, USA, 2021.
9. Novel use of a sealing device for excising intra-nasal lesions (Poster). American Academy of
Otolaryngology Annual ENT Expo, Los Angeles, USA, 2021.
10. An Atypical Case of Atypical Mycobacteria: Lessons Learned (Poster). American Academy of
Otolaryngology Annual ENT Expo, Los Angeles, USA, 2021.
11. Vocal Fold Leukoplakia: Cases, Controversy, and Management (Miniseminar). American Academy of
Otolaryngology Annual ENT Expo, Los Angeles, USA, 2021.
12. TORS – Where we are and where we need to go (Presentation). 61st Annual General Meeting and Scientific
Conference of the West African College of Surgeons, Cotonou, Benin 8th June 2021.
13. The Carbon Dioxide Laser in Early Glottic Cancers. International Faculty and Speaker. Laryngology
Webinar Series 2021: expert Opinions Unveiled. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, 22nd
April 2021.
14. Wendler’s Glottoplasty for voice feminization surgery – long term results for 14 consecutive patients. 6th
BLK Voice and Laser Workshop & 9th Annual Conference of Laryngology and Voice Association, Pune,
India, 2021.
15. Advances in Laryngeal Surgery(Miniseminar): An International Perspective. American Academy of Otolaryngology
Annual ENT Expo, Boston, USA, 2020.
16. Wendler Glottoplasty for Voice Feminization Surgery: Long-Term Results of 31 Consecutive Cases.
American Academy of Otolaryngology Annual ENT Expo, Boston, USA, 2020.
17. Persistent Post-Auricular Pain – A Unique First presentation of Metastatic Lung Adenocarcinoma in the
Otolaryngology Clinic. American Academy of Otolaryngology Annual ENT Expo, Boston, USA, 2020.
18. Holmium -YAG Extirpation of False Ear Fundus Secondary to Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media - A Novel
Tool to Spare Canal Skin. American Academy of Otolaryngology Annual ENT Expo, Boston, USA, 2020.
13th October 2022
19. Intra-Thyroidal Large Isthmic Parathyroid Adenoma - An Unusual Site. American Academy of
Otolaryngology Annual ENT Expo, Boston, USA, 2020.
20. Vocal Fold Leukoplakia: Cases, Controversy, and Management (Miniseminar). American Academy of
Otolaryngology Annual ENT Expo, Boston, USA, 2020.
21. CO2 laser applications in laryngology – free beam and fibre delivery. ENT Summit, Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia, 2020
22. Transoral Robotic Surgery – A flexible robotic system for laryngeal surgery. British Laryngological
Association – Cutting Edge Laryngology Meeting, Edinburgh U.K. 2019.
23. Metastatic Cervical Cancer in The Neck: A Rare Cause of Neck Pain (Poster). American Academy of
Otolaryngology Annual ENT Expo, New Orleans, USA, 2019.
24. Subtotal Arytenoidectomy for Bilateral Vocal Fold Immobility (Poster). American Academy of
Otolaryngology Annual ENT Expo, New Orleans, USA, 2019.
25. Robotic Laryngeal Surgery: To the Pharynx and Beyond (Miniseminar). American Academy of
Otolaryngology Annual ENT Expo, New Orleans, USA, 2019.
26. Vocal Fold Leukoplakia: Cases, Controversy, and Management (Miniseminar). American Academy of
Otolaryngology Annual ENT Expo, New Orleans, USA, 2019.
27. Innovation in ENT Surgery – A Flexible Robotic System. 4th Tri-Society Head and Neck Oncology
Meeting, Hong Kong, 2019.
28. Removal of An Extraluminal Oesophageal Foreign Body via the Lateral Pharyngotomy Approach: A Case
Report. 18TH ASEAN ORL-HNS Congress, Singapore, 2019.
29. Dyspnoea and the ENT Surgeon. Farrer Park Hospital Grand Rounds, Singapore, 2019.
30. Des cas intéressants de paralysie bilatérale des cordes vocales. Société Française de Phoniatrie (Round
table) Luxembourg 2018.
31. Robotic Laryngeal Surgery: To the Pharynx and Beyond (Miniseminar). American Academy of
Otolaryngology Annual ENT Expo, Atlanta, USA, 2018.
32. Vocal Fold Leukoplakia: Cases, Controversy, and Management (Miniseminar). American Academy of
Otolaryngology Annual ENT Expo, Atlanta, USA, 2018.
33. Use of the Laryngeal Anterior Commissure Stent (LACS) for Treatment of Anterior Glottic Webs: Single
Tertiary Centre’s Experiences. American Academy of Otolaryngology Annual ENT Expo, Atlanta, USA,
34. Pulsatile Oropharyngeal Mass: Case Report and Review of the Literature (Poster). American Academy of
Otolaryngology Annual ENT Expo, Atlanta, USA, 2018.
35. Single Centre Review of Voice in Adults with Benign Laryngeal Lesions Using the CO2 Laser (Poster).
American Academy of Otolaryngology Annual ENT Expo, Atlanta, USA, 2018.
36. Preliminary experience with a semi-robotic system for laryngeal surgery. British Academic Conference in
Otolaryngology (BACO), Manchester, UK, 2018.
37. Pulsatile oropharyngeal mass in a patient with globus. Case report and literature review (Poster). British
Academic Conference in Otolaryngology (BACO), Manchester, UK, 2018.
38. The laryngeal anterior commissure stent for anterior glottic synechiae (Poster). British Academic
Conference in Otolaryngology (BACO), Manchester, UK, 2018.
13th October 2022
39. Retroperitoneal Haematoma in a head and neck patient (Poster). British Academic Conference in
Otolaryngology (BACO), Manchester, UK, 2018.
40. Post-auricular abscess from osteoradionecrosis after radical radiotherapy for NPC (Poster). British
Academic Conference in Otolaryngology (BACO), Manchester, UK, 2018.
41. Supraglottic laryngectomy – Classification and controversy – Round Table. Chairperson. 12th Congress of
The European Laryngological Society, London, 2018.
42. Preliminary experience in transoral laryngeal surgery with a flexible robotic system for benign lesions of
the vocal folds. 12th Congress of The European Laryngological Society, London, 2018.
43. Raised Pollutant Standard Index - a source of concern for the upper airway. 12th Congress of The European
Laryngological Society, London, 2018.
44. A fifteen-year review of the use of the Laryngeal Anterior Commissure Stent (LACS) for the treatment of
anterior glottic synechiae. 12th Congress of The European Laryngological Society, London, 2018.
45. Lateral pharyngotomy for removal of embedded oesophageal foreign bodies - case report and review of
literature (Poster). 12th Congress of The European Laryngological Society, London, 2018.
46. A rare case of protein-losing nephropathy presenting with neck swelling and retropharyngeal oedema
(Poster). 12th Congress of The European Laryngological Society, London, 2018.
47. The use of a novel wound dressing regimen for management of pharynogocutaneous leak post salvage
laryngectomy (Poster). 12th Congress of The European Laryngological Society, London, 2018.
48. A single tertiary centre's 18-month experience of subtotal arytenoidectomy for bilateral vocal fold
immobility" (Poster). Research Symposium, Ng Teng Fong General Hospital, Singapore, 2017.
49. Laryngeal ossification and its impact on the management of ingested foreign bodies (Poster) – Research
Symposium, Ng Teng Fong General Hospital, Singapore, 2017.
50. A single tertiary centre's 18-month experience of subtotal arytenoidectomy for bilateral vocal fold
immobility" (Presentation). The 4th Congress of European ORL-HNS, Barcelona, Spain, 2017.
51. Vocal fold leukoplakia: Cases, Controversy and Management. (Miniseminar – Invited Panelist). American
Academy of Otolaryngology Annual ENT Expo, Chicago, USA, 2017.
52. Forest fires and suppurative airway obstruction. (Poster). American Academy of Otolaryngology Annual
ENT Expo, Chicago, USA, 2017.
53. Laryngeal ossification and ingested foreign bodies. (Presentation). American Academy of Otolaryngology
Annual ENT Expo, Chicago, USA, 2017.
54. Development of a novel computerized acoustic assessment. (Presentation) American Academy of
Otolaryngology Annual ENT Expo, Chicago, USA, 2017.
55. Lasers in benign laryngeal conditions. (Poster). American Academy of Otolaryngology Annual ENT Expo,
Chicago, USA, 2017.
56. Head and neck melioidosis – a Singaporean centre’s experience (Poster). American Academy
Otolaryngology of Annual ENT Expo, Chicago, USA, 2017.
57. Management of laryngeal injuries in thyroid and parathyroid surgery. (Faculty, Panelist and Presenter).
Singapore Postgraduate Advanced Course in Endocrine Surgery – Challenges and Advances (SPACES)
Congress, National University Hospital, Singapore and Ng Teng Fong General Hospital, 2017.
58. Difficult cases in phonosurgery. (Presentation, Panelist and Invited Speaker). ENT World Congress, IFOS,
Paris, France, 2017.
59. Starting a laryngology service – pitfalls and pearls from Singapore. (Poster) ENT World Congress, IFOS,
Paris, France, 2017.
60. The role of lasers in benign laryngeal surgery. (Presentation). ENT World Congress, IFOS, Paris, France,
61. Laryngeal ossification and its impact on the management on ingested foreign bodies. (Poster). ENT World
Congress, IFOS, Paris, France, 2017.
62. Head and neck melioidosis –a Singaporean centre’s experience. (Poster). ENT World Congress, IFOS,
Paris, France, 2017.
63. Flexible robotic systems for laryngeal lesions –a paradigm shift. (Poster). ENT World Congress, IFOS,
Paris, France, 2017.
64. Laryngology and an Integrated Voice and Swallow Service at NTFGH (Presentation). Jurong Medical
Centre, Singapore, 2017.
65. Integrated Voice and Swallow Services (Presentation). Jurong Health Campus, National University Health
System, Singapore, 2017.
66. Optic Neuropathy and Visual Loss due to Posterior Ethmoidal Mucocoele. (Poster) 32nd Annual congress
of the Asia Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology. March 1st. Singapore, 2017.
67. Innovation in ENT – A Novel Flexible Robotic System. (Presentation) ENT Summit 2017. Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia, 2017.
68. International Symposium: Early Multi-Center Experience in TORS with the Flex® Robotic System
Moderator: Dr. Eugene Myers. (Presentation) American Academy of Otolaryngology Head and Neck
Surgery Annual Meeting San Diego, USA, 2016.
69. Unilateral Vocal Fold Immobility: A Tertiary Hospital's Experience over 5 years. (Presentation) American
Academy of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Annual Meeting San Diego, USA, 2016.
70. Practical Experiences in Flexible Robotic Surgery. (Presentation) American Academy of Otolaryngology
Head and Neck Surgery Annual Meeting San Diego, USA, 2016.
71. TORS with the Flex® Robotic System for Glottic Lesions. (Presentation) American Academy of
Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Annual Meeting San Diego, USA, 2016.
72. Panel Discussion: Clinical Experience with the Flex® Robotic System Moderator: Dr. Marshall Strome,
New York Head and Neck Institute, USA. (Presentation) American Academy of Otolaryngology Head and
Neck Surgery Annual Meeting San Diego, USA, 2016.
73. Miniseminar: Controversies in the management of leukoplakia. (Panelist) American Academy of
Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Annual Meeting San Diego, USA, 2016.
74. Using peak direct subglottic pressure level as an objective measure during medialization thyroplasty: a
prospective study. (Presentation). European Laryngological Society Annual Meeting, Genoa, Italy, June
75. A prospective study comparing objective and subjective ratings of patients post-laryngectomy - the
development of a novel computerized acoustic assessment. (Presentation) European Laryngological Society
Annual Meeting, Genoa, Italy, June 2016.
76. The Medrobotics Flex System – First use of a novel system for operating on three benign laryngeal cases.
(Presentation). European Laryngological Society Annual Meeting, Genoa, Italy, June 2016.
13th October 2022
77. Unilateral Vocal Fold Immobility: A tertiary hospital’s experience over 5 years. (Presentation) European
Laryngological Society Annual Meeting, Genoa, Italy, June 2016.
78. A review of an increase in the caseload of Supraglottitis with or without suppuration in Singapore during
the haze crisis of South East Asia – A single centre’s experiences. (Presentation) European Laryngological
Society Annual Meeting, Genoa, Italy, June 2016.
79. Hearing loss and cognitive decline in Singapore: status quo of an island nation. (Poster) 10th International
Conference in Cholesteatoma and Ear Surgery. Edinburgh, UK. June 2016.
80. Fibre delivery and other advances in laser surgery. (Presentation) ENT CO2 laser safety workshop.
Gleneagles Hospital, Singapore, April 24th 2016.
81. Theatre Organization for TORS. (Presentation). International conference on robotic surgery in the head and
neck - Transoral robotic surgery (TORS) Namur Expo, Belgium, 2015.
82. L’utilisation du Stent Laryngé LACS ‘Laryngeal Anterior Commissure Stent’ dans la prise en charge des
Synéchies Glottique Anterieure. (Presentation in French) 122nd Congress of the French Society of ORLHNS, Marseille, France. 2015.
83. Laryngeal Anterior Commissure Stent (LACS) for treatment of anterior glottic synechiae. Spring Days in
Laryngology. (Presentation) Yvoir, Belgium, 2015.
84. Deglutition. A synopsis (In French). (Presentation) Department of Speech Therapy, Louvain-la-Neuve,
Belgium, 2015.
85. Laser diverticulotomy/cricopharyngeal myotomy. (Presentation) 1
st Manchester Laser Phono-Laryngeal
Surgery Course, UK, 2014.
86. Laser arytenoidectomy, cordectomy including Steiner’s technique. (Presentation) 1
st Manchester Laser
Phono-Laryngeal Surgery Course, UK, 2014.
87. Laser Safety. Singapore General Hospital ENT Week. (Presentation) Singapore, 2014.
88. Management of Ear Infections. (Presentation) Bukit Batok Polyclinic, Singapore, 2014.
89. Lingual nerve Ancient Schwannoma – removal with nerve preservation. (Presentation) 145th Semon Club,
London, UK, 2013.
90. CO2 laser vapourisation of Stage 1 Glottic Cancer. Results of 56 cases. (Poster). The 14th British Academic
Conference on Otolaryngology and ENT Expo, Glasgow, UK, 2012.
91. Congenital Fistula between the Second and Fifth Hillocks of His: A Unique Otological Anomaly? (Poster).
The 14th British Academic Conference on Otolaryngology and ENT Expo, Glasgow, UK, 2012.
92. A Unique Otological Anomaly? (Presentation). 143rd Semon Club, London, UK, 2012.
93. A Side by Side Double Blind Randomized Controlled Study of Intracapsular Laser Tonsillectomy
compared with Bipolar Dissection. (Presentation). American Society of Laser Medicine and Surgery
Annual Conference, Florida, USA, 2012.
94. Narrow-Band Imaging in assessing Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnoea. (Poster). American Academy
Otolaryngology Annual ENT Expo, San Francisco, USA, 2011.
95. Fishbone Foreign Body Migrating into Left Lobe of Thyroid. (Poster). American Academy Otolaryngology
Annual ENT Expo, Boston, USA, 2010.
96. Prospective, randomised, cross-over study of three nasal hygiene systems to assess patient preference for
such irrigation devices. (Presentation). ENT UK Annual Conference, Coventry, UK, 2010.
13th October 2022
97. A twin centre study of nasal tip anaesthesia following open rhinoplasty. (Presentation). AAFPRS -10th
International Symposium of Facial Plastic Surgery, Miami, USA, 2010.
98. A twin centre study of nasal tip anaesthesia following open rhinoplasty. (Poster). The 13th British Academic
Conference on Otolaryngology and ENT Expo, Liverpool, UK, 2009.
99. A single centre retrospective review of unilateral and bilateral Dysport® injections in Adductor Spasmodic
Dysphonia (Poster). The 13th British Academic Conference on Otolaryngology and ENT Expo, Liverpool,
UK, 2009.
100.Salivary Gland Surgery (Presentation). ENT Operative Surgical Anatomy Course, Northwick Park Hospital,
UK, 2009.
101.A single centre study of nasal tip anaesthesia following open rhinoplasty. (Presentation). Kilcoyne Prize
ENT Meeting, High Wycombe, UK, 2008.
102.Hamman’s Syndrome (Presentation). Hartopp Dixon Prize, Royal National Throat Nose and Ear Hospital,
London, UK, 2008.
103.Prospective, longitudinal electroglottographic study of voice recovery following accelerated
hypofractionated radiotherapy for T1/T2 larynx cancer. (Presentation). Northwick Park /Wexham Park Joint
ENT Meeting, London, UK, 2007.
104.Electroglottographic and perceptual evaluation of tracheoesophageal speech. (Presentation). First World
Congress of the International Academy of Oral Oncology. The Netherlands, 2007.
105.Formant analysis in patients following total laryngectomy compared to normal volunteers. (Presentation).
Hartopp Dixon Prize, London, UK, 2007.
106.Massive cervicothoracic haematoma following upper respiratory tract infection. (Presentation). 132nd
Semon Club, London, UK, 2006.
107.Analysis of formant frequencies in patients with oral or oropharyngeal cancers treated by glossectomy.
(Poster). American Head and Neck Society Meeting, Chicago, USA, 2006.
108.Questionnaire analysis of the swallowing related quality of life following total laryngectomy. (Poster).
American Head and Neck Society Meeting, Chicago, USA, 2006.
109.Assessment of formant frequencies in normal and laryngectomised individuals using linear predictive
coding. (Poster). VII International Voice Symposium, Salzburg, Austria, 2006.
110.Analysis of formant frequencies in total laryngectomy and partial glossectomy patients. (Presentation). 3rd
World Congress of International Federation of Head and Neck Oncology Societies, Prague, Czech
Republic, 2006.
111.Voice-related quality of life in glossectomies: assessment using the VHI and V-RQOL symptom scales –
(Poster). 3
rd World Congress of International Federation of Head and Neck Oncology Societies, Prague,
Czech Republic, 2006.
112.Tonsillectomy for Psoriasis. A review. (Poster). The 12th British Academic Conference on Otolaryngology
and ENT Expo, Birmingham, UK, 2006.
113.A twin centre study comparing the impact of digital imaging in the ENT clinic setting. (Poster). The 12th
British Academic Conference on Otolaryngology and ENT Expo, Birmingham, UK, 2006.
114.Analysis of formant frequencies in total laryngectomy and partial glossectomy patients. (Poster). The 12th
British Academic Conference on Otolaryngology and ENT Expo, Birmingham, UK, 2006.
115.Multi-dimensional assessment of female tracheoesophageal prosthetic speech. (Poster). The 12th British
Academic Conference on Otolaryngology and ENT Expo, Birmingham, UK, 2006.
13th October 2022
116.The management of recurrent neck metastases by resection, flap cover and iridium192 afterloaded
brachytherapy. (Presented by Mr. P.H. Rhys-Evans). BAHNO Conference, London, UK, 2006.
117.A twin centre study comparing the impact of digital imaging in the ENT clinic setting. (Poster). North of
England Otolaryngology Society Meeting, York, UK, 2006.
118.Gut hormone profiles may explain reduced appetite and food intake following bariatric surgery. (Presented
by Dr. C. Leroux) 2nd Congress of the IFSO-European Chapter, - 3rd Combined Meeting of Bariatric and
Plastic Surgery - Congress Palace, Lyon, France - Thursday April 27-Saturday April 29, 2006.
119.Tonsillectomy for psoriasis –Does it work? (Presentation). Royal Society of Medicine and ENT-UK
Summer Meeting, Edinburgh, UK, 2005.
120.Marrow proliferation as a cause of hearing loss in thallasemia major. (Presentation) The European Society
of Paediatric Otorhinolaryngology (ESPO), Rome, Italy, 25 – 30 June 2005.
121.Surgical Emphysema and Pneumomediastinum Post-Partum. (Poster). The Royal College of Surgeons of
Edinburgh Quincentennary Congress, Edinburgh, UK, 2005.
122.Gut hormone profiles may explain reduced appetite and food intake following bariatric surgery. 10th World
Congress of the International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity / 19th International Symposium on
Obesity Surgery / 4th International Symposium on Allied Health Science. 2005. Maastricht, The
Netherlands, 31st August – 3
rd September 2005.
123.Parotid and submandibular masses associated with cervical lymphadenopathy – malignant or benign?
(Presentation). 127th Semon Club. London, UK, 2004.
124.Gut hormone changes may explain appetite and glycaemic control effects of bariatric surgery.
(Presentation) Proceedings of symposia at the summer meeting of the Nutritional Society and the
Association for the Study of Obesity. July 5-8, 2004. Dublin, Ireland.
125.PYY and decreased appetite following jejunum intestinal bypass in rats. (Poster). British Endocrine Society
Meeting, Glasgow, UK, 2003.
126.Surgical aspects of Tracheostomy. (Presentation). Middlesex University School of Nursing, London, UK,
127.Female Adenocarcinoma arising within a urethral diverticulum. (Presentation). East Anglia Urological
Meeting, Cambridge, UK, 2002.
128.Fournier’s Gangrene. (Presentation). Grand Rounds, Luton and Dunstable Hospital, UK, 2002.
129.Outcome following oesophagectomy for cancer in the elderly patient. (Presentation). 23rd Sir Peter Freyer
Memorial Lecture and Surgical Symposium, University College Galway, Ireland, 1999.
130.Reconstruction following Pharyngolaryngoesophagectomy using the jejunal free flap. (Presentation). Irish
Otolaryngological Society Annual General Meeting, Limavady, Northern Ireland, 1998.
1. Otolaryngological conditions for the specialist paediatrician – a synopsis, Paediatric Peer Review Learning
and CME meeting, Mount Elizabeth Hospital and Medical Centre. 16th January 2020, Singapore.
2. Update on influenza in conjunction with Tokio Marine and Seiko Corporation. 26th November 2019,
3. Understanding insomnia and obstructive sleep apnoea, Singapore Press Holdings 360degree talk. 19th
October 2019, Singapore.
4. The patient of 2050 – The French Chamber of Commerce. 1
st October 2019, Singapore.
5. Hearing loss in children. Takashimaya Members Lunch Club. 10th September 2019. Singapore.
6. Sleep Disordered Breathing. Takashimaya Members Lunch Club. 3rd September 2019. Singapore.
7. Childhood Hearing Loss. A partnership with Oticon and Prime magazine. 2nd September 2019, Singapore.
8. Sleep Disorders including Insomnias and Parasomnias. Singapore Institute of Management. 5th July 2019.
9. Common Ear, Nose and Throat Conditions. MWH Medical Specialists Centre. April 27th 2019.
10. The Straits Times 360 Health Management Seminar. Singapore Press Holdings. How Diseases of the Nose,
Throat and Lung are related. 30th March 2019.
11. The United Airways. Singapore Telecoms Lunch Seminar. March 25th 2019.
12. Nasal allergy, asthma and sleep apnoea. Singapore Motor Car Club Annual General Meeting. Sentosa Golf
Club, Singapore. January 26th 2019.
Faculty – Cadaveric Dissection Course 2019, NUS Anatomy Building, July 2019.
Faculty – National University Health System Cadaveric Surgical Anatomy Course for General Surgery Residents – Head and Neck Surgery Demonstration 4th August 2017.
Speaker and Faculty – Lasers in Laryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. Academia, Singapore General Hospital Feb 2017 ENT Residents Training Day.
Invited Speaker – Update on novel technologies in Head and Neck Cancer – Robotics and Lasers. Ng Teng Fong General Hospital in-service teaching for Speech and language therapists, Feb 2017.
Guest Speaker and Faculty – ENT CO2 Laser Safety Workshop. Gleneagles Hospital, Singapore, April 2016.
Demonstration of scanning and fibre delivery systems using the Lumenis Acupulse Duo.
Guest Speaker – Operating theatre In-service training day on lasers and laser safety in laryngology. Aug 13th 2016. Ng Teng Fong General Hospital, Singapore.
Guest Speaker – Tracheostomy Care for doctors in Jurong Community Hospital, April 2016.
Guest Speaker – Emergency Tracheostomy for Nurses and Allied health staff, Ng Teng Fong General Hospital In-Service, March 2016.
Speaker – Transoral Laser Resection of Tumours (Lasers and Robots) – GP CME Meeting, Ng Teng Fong General Hospital, February, 2016.
Speaker – Transoral Laser Surgery - Intensive Care Medicine CME, January 2016.
Speaker – Voice Surgery and Therapy for GPs, Jurong Medical Centre, January 2016.
Speaker – GP talk on allergic rhinitis, Jurong Polyclinic, September 2015.
Faculty - International conference on robotic surgery in the head and neck - Transoral robotic surgery (TORS). Namur, Belgium. September 2015.
Faculty – Spring Days in Laryngology. Section on Lasers. Yvoir, Belgium May 2015. Faculty - 1st Manchester Laser Phono-Laryngeal Surgery Course. UK, September 2014.
Faculty – Singapore General Hospital ENT Week Section on Lasers, July 2014
Faculty – Foundation ENT and Head and Neck Surgery Conference, Royal College of Surgeons, England, 2012.
I taught the delegates the anatomy of the skull base.
Faculty – CT Airway Day at The Royal London Hospital 2012. I was involved in the regional Anaesthetic Training Day for the lecture on Airway Anatomy.
Faculty – Foundation ENT and Head and Neck Surgery Conference, Royal College of Surgeons, England, 2011.
I taught the delegates the anatomy of the skull base.
Faculty - Approaches for Intracranial Surgery Course, Royal College of Surgeons, England, 2011. I was involved in demonstrating approaches to the lateral skull base.
Faculty – Queen Mary, University of London Lecture Series in ENT, St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, 2011.
Faculty – ENT- Expertise in Nursing, Royal College of Surgeons, England, 2009.
Faculty – City University of London, Department of Language and Communication Science – Lecture on Headand Neck Cancer.2009.
Faculty - Otolaryngology for General Practitioners Course, Royal College of Surgeons, England, 2009.
Faculty - ENT Operative Surgical Anatomy Course, Northwick Park Hospital, 2008.
Demonstrated Anatomy to medical, dental and paramedical students in Trinity College Dublin, 1999 - 2000.
Commanded and trained non-commissioned officers in the art of seamanship, navigation and gunnery, Singapore Navy, 1992 - 1993.
Short listed for Instructors course in both Advanced Cardiac Life Support Course (ACLS-Dublin) and Advanced
Trauma Life Support Course (ATLS - England).
Organised the training programme for Senior House Officers (SHOs) and ran the teaching course for medical students from Cambridge University, Imperial College London, University College London and Queen Mary, University of London.
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